Unidad Diseño

  • Parota House


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  • Parota House


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Parota House

Located in a lush development in the state of Morelos, with an extraordinary climate and “apantles” (traditional small irrigation canals) running throughout the area, the site’s vegetation in gave the house its name: “La Parota” (Enterolobium cyclocarpum, fam. Fabaceae). This project is a perfect example of re-architecture, as the owners bought it from a demographer’s family who had had it purpose built. We can suppose the original layout allowed its owner to work on statistics and calculations undisturbed by the noisy family gatherings in the garden, located at the back of the house.

Keeping the existing building, we decided to turn the layout around, linking the interior spaces to a continuous terrace which complements the rooms and gives them a visual connection to the garden.

The new owners would visit during holidays and weekends, to enjoy living al fresco in comfortable terraces, to admire the beautiful trees and enjoy the company of their children and grandchildren.


Project information

  • Juitepec,
    Morelos, México
  • 1997