Unidad Diseño

  • Casicielo Masterplan

    2008-2010 Bocas del Toro, Panamá.

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  • Casicielo Masterplan

    2008-2010 Bocas del Toro, Panamá.

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  • Casicielo Masterplan

    2008-2010 Bocas del Toro, Panamá.

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  • Casicielo Masterplan

    2008-2010 Bocas del Toro, Panamá.

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  • Casicielo Masterplan

    2008-2010 Bocas del Toro, Panamá.

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Casicielo Masterplan

This project’s developer was an important real-estate company group in Panama, which aimed to create the country’s first touristic development in absolute harmony with the environment. Together with Unidad Diseño, they agreed that the design principles would aim for a zero-emission operation.

Casicielo is conceived as a touristic and social development destination with the highest hotel standards, in a 185-hectare site. The property is located in northeast Panama, facing the Caribbean, near the border with Costa Rica. It sits on a peninsula surrounded by pink and white sand beaches, near the San San Pond Sak National Park.

The Casicielo masterplan will be composed of several sites for different tourism-related activities, as well as the services needed for their operation. All of this supported by an Infrastructure Services Unit comprised by an electrical-wind and photovoltaic power plant, drinking water supply, wastewater treatment plant and waste processing, emergency services and community support.

The Casicielo development was planned and designed according to the highest sustainable development standards, both nationally and internationally. A botanical garden-nursery linked to international research institutes will be set up on the site. The project also considers a village to provide permanent housing for the workers, thus creating a real community.


Project Information

  • Bocas del Toro,
  • 2008-2010